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Recovery is possible. You can beat a drug or alcohol addiction


Narconon's purpose is to help a person recover from a drug or alcohol addiction. Many of us that work in Narconon have ourselves recovered from a drug or alcohol addiction. It is very rewarding to see that others can make it too. Here is a nice story from one of our students.

”I go to sleep early in the night and wake up every morning and just that is a win. I think of myself as a new person every day I look in the mirror. I feel much more activated. I can communicate and listen to others very good thanks to Emma. I have more focus and ability to do things without someone have to tell me to. I feel proud of myself and I’m more polite to people, especially to Paul, Petra and others.

I no longer have any nightmares from my past. My mind is focused on a new generation in life. I avoid telling any lies and I have got my emotions back. I take simultaneous steps towards a new beingness.

I have better persistence, I can learn things much faster, my mind is fresh and calm. I’m very happy to look in the mirror and see the new ME is back on track.

Thank you Emma for the help and thank you Petra and Paul for bringing my new goal in life back”

We are here to help you or a loved one make the decision to take the steps nessesary to become drugfree and to help you get the tools to stay drugfree. The Narconon Program can help you with this. It will not be easy and it take some courage to make it.

You can get your life back. Start over again.

You can always contact us!

Phone: 0046-731 533156

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Narconon och Narconon-logon är varu- och servicemärken som innehas av och används med

tillstånd från Association for Better Living and Education International.

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